References for cybersociality paper

** References we have talked about for this paper specifically

Hine, C. 2000. Virtual ethnography. London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage.

** References I have just dug up (some again)

Boym, S. 2001. Nostalgia and global culture: from outer space to cyberspace. In The
Future of Nostalgia. New York: Basic Books.

Eichhorn, K. 2001. Sites unseen: ethnographic research in a textual community.
Qualitative Studies in Education 14 (4): 565-78.

Adi Kuntsman (Lancaster University) Cyberethnography as home-work1 Anthropology Matters Journal 2004, Vol 6 (2)

Markham, A.N. 2004. Reconsidering self and other: the methods, politics, and ethics
of representation in online ethnography. In Handbook of qualitative research (eds)
N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Miller, D. & D. Slater. 2000. The internet: an ethnographic approach. Oxford: Berg.

Paccagnella, L. 1997. Getting the seats of your pants dirty: Strategies for
ethnographic research on virtual communities.

** Refernces fron Moore previous papers

** References from JOrdan previous papers

** References from Churchill previous papers

Becker, B. and Mark. G. Social Conventions in
Collaborative Virtual Environments. In Snowdon, D. and
Churchill, E.F. Proceedings of CVE’98, Manchester, UK,
June 1998.

Bruckman, A. Community Support for Constructionist
Learning, in Computer Supported Cooperative Work:
Special Issue on Interaction and Collaboration in MUDs,
7, Nos. 1-2, pp 47-86, 1998.

Churchill, E.F. and Snowdon, D. Collaborative Virtual
Environments; An introductory review of issues and
systems, Virtual Reality: Research, Development and
Applications, 3, 1, pp 3-15, 1998

Clement, A. and Wagner, I. Fragmented Exchange:
Disarticulation and the Need for Regionalised
Communication Spaces. In Proceedings of ECSCW’95,
Stockholm, 1995.

Curtis, P. Mudding: Social phenomena in text-based
virtual realities. In M. Stefik, Internet Dreams:
Archetypes, Myths and Metaphors. Cambridge: MIT
Press, 1996, pp 265-292.

Dooley, B. At work away from work. The Psychologist,
9, 2, April 1996, 155-157.

Dourish, P. Introduction: The State of Play, Computer
Supported Cooperative Work: Special Issue on
Interaction and Collaboration in MUDs, 7, Nos. 1-2, 1-7,

Evard, R. Collaborative Networked Communication:
MUDs as System Tools. Proceedings of the Seventh
Administration Conference (LISA VII), Monterey CA,
November 1993, 1-8.

Fitzpatrick, G., Kaplan, S. and Mansfield, T. Physical
Spaces, Virtual Places and Social Worlds: A Study of
work in the virtual. Proceedings of CSCW’96,
Cambridge, MA USA, ACM Press, 1996, 334-343.

Harasim, L. Global Networks: Computers and
International Communication, MIT Press, Cambridge
Mass, 1993.

Harrison, S. and Dourish, P. Re-Place-ing Space: The
Roles of Place and Space in Collaborative Systems. In
Proceedings of CSCW’96, Cambridge MA, 1996, ACM
Press, 67-76.

Jones, P.M. and Tauchi Duffy, L. Using a MOO
Infrastructure for Distributed Collaborative Crisis Action
Planning. Position paper for the workshop on Design and
use of MUDs for Serious Purposes, CSCW’96,

Kendon, A. Behavioural Foundations for the Process of
Frame Attunement in Face-to-Face Interaction, in
Ginsburg, G.P., Brennan, M.and von Cranach, M. (Eds)
Conducting Interaction. European Monographs in Social
Psychology 35, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
UK, 1990.

Kraut, R.E., Cool, C., Rice, R.E and Fish, R.S. Life and
Death of New Technology: Task, Utility and Social
Influence in the Use of a Communication Medium.
Proceedings of CSCW 94, October 1994, 13-21.

Muramatsu, J. and Ackerman, M.S. Computing, Social
Activity and Entertainment: A Field study of a Game
MUD, Computer Supported Cooperative Work: Special
Issue on Interaction and Collaboration in MUDs, 7, Nos.
1-2, 87-122, 1998.

Mynatt, E. D., O’Day, V.L., Adler, A. and Ito, M.
Network Communities: Something Old, Something New,
Something Borrowed, Computer Supported Cooperative
Work: Special Issue on Interaction and Collaboration in
MUDs, 7, Nos. 1-2, 123-156, 1998.

Olson, J.S. and Teasley, S. Groupware in the Wild:
Lessons learned from a year of virtual collaboration. In
Proceedings of CSCW’96, pages 419-427, 1996.

Ryan, J. A Uses and Gratification Study of the Internet
Social Interaction Site LambdaMOO: Talking with
“Dinos”. Dissertation submitted for Master of Arts, Ball
State University, Muncie, Indiana, Dec 1995.

Salvador, T. and Bly, S. Supporting the Flow of
Information Through Constellations of Interaction.
Proceedings of ECSCW ’97, Lancaster, England, 269-
280, 1997.

Schiano, D. J. Lessons from “LambdaMOO”: A Social,
Text-Based VE. Short paper presented at FIVE ’96,
London, England, 1996.

Schiano, D. and White. S. The First Noble Truth of
CyberSpace: People are People (Even When They
MOO). Proceedings of CHI’98, ACM Press, 18-23 April,
1998, pp 352-359.

Sheehy, N. and Gallagher, T. Can virtual organizations
be made real? The Psychologist, 9, 2 April 1996, 159-

Sproull, L. and Kiesler, S. Connections. New Ways of
Working in the Networked Organization. MIT Press,
Cambridge, Mass, 1991.

Turkle, S. Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the
Internet. Simon and Schuster, New York, 1996.

Waern, Y. and Garbis, C. Design and Use of MUDs for
Serious Purposes: Workshop report, CSCW, Boston 16th
November ’96, SIGCHI bulletin, Vol.29, No.3, July 1997

Whittaker, S., Frolich, D. and Daly-Jones, O. Informal
workspaces communication: What is it like and how
might we support it? Proceedings of CHI’94, Boston,
MA: ACM Press, 276-283, 1994

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