Professional Affiliations and Activities

My research interests lie at the intersection of technology, design, people and culture. As such I am an active member of communities where research can deepen my understanding of each of those areas. I have sat on advisory boards for governmental funding initiatives and on conference steering committees, as well as chairing or co-chairing many conferences, symposiums, workshops, technical program committees. I am a regular reviewer for top tier conferences and journals, and a regular reviewer for books proposals for key academic publishing houses. Some of my current and past affiliations and activities are listed below.

Professional affiliations

Professional activities, leadership

  • Executive Committee
    • Vice President of the Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) Special Interest Group on Human Computer Interaction, SigCHI, 2008-present
    • ACM SigCHI Vice President of Chapters, including workshop organizations and communications with chapters, 2007-2008
    • Association of University Teachers, Local Association Committee, Contract Research Staff Representative, 1994-1996
  • Conference Leadership
    • Technical Program Committee: Personal Digital Archiving 2013
    • General Chair: ACM Mobile HCI 2012, with Sri Subramanian
    • Steering Committee: Mobile HCI, 2011-present
    • Papers and Notes Co-Chair for Mobile HCI, Stockholm, Aug-Sept 2011 with Albrecht Schmidt
    • Experience Demos Co-Chair: BCS HCI, July, 2011 with Patrick Olivier
    • Panels Co-Chair: WWW 2010 Panels Co-Chair with Prabhakar Raghavan
    • Co-Chair: CSCW 2010 Papers and Notes Co-Chair with Steve Whittaker
    • Co-Chair: ACM CHI 2007 Technical Program, Notes Co-chair with Rob St. Amant
    • Steering Committee: EPIC (Ethnographic Praxis in Organizations), 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
    • Workshops Chair: EPIC (Ethnographic Praxis in Organizations), 2007
    • Advisory Committee: ACM Conference on Human Computer Interaction (CHI 2006), Best papers Award for CHI 2006
    • Co-Chair: ACM Conference on Human Computer Interaction (CHI 2006), Student Design Competition, Montreal, 2006
    • Co-Chair: ACM Conference on Human Computer Interaction (CHI 2006), Mentoring Program
    • Co-Chair: ACM Conference on Human Computer Interaction (CHI 2006), Associate Program Chair
    • Co-Chair: ACM Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Student Design Competition, Portland, April 2005
    • Industrial Liaison, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Chicago, November 2004
    • Co-Chair: ACM Conference on Human Computer Interaction (CHI), Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair, Vienna, Austria, April 2004
    • Co-chair: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, New Orleans, November 2002
    • Technical Program Co-chair: CVE 2002. Bonn, Germany in October 2002
    • Co-chair: CHI 2000 Organizational Overview track, The Hague, April 2000
    • Co-chair: CVE 2000, ACM Conference on Collaborative Virtual Environments, San Francisco, September 2000
    • Co-chair: CVE’98 Conference on Collaborative Virtual Environments, held at The University of Manchester, UK, June 1998.
    • Co-chair: CVE’96 Conference on Collaborative Virtual Environments, held at The University of Nottingham in September, 1996.
    • Technical Committee Secretary: Interact ‘90, Conference on Human Computer Interaction.

Professional activities: Workshop & Tutorial Organization/Delivery

  • Mobile augmented reality: design issues and opportunities. Workshop at Mobile HCI 2012, San Francisco, CA, USA, with Marco de Sá, September 2012
  • Visual thinking & digital imagery. Workshop at ACM CHI 2012, with Eli Blevis, William Odom, James Pierce, David Roedl, Ron Wakkary, May 2012
  • Heritage matters: designing for current and future values through digital and social technologies. Workshop at CHI 2012, Austin Texas, with Elisa Giaccardi and Sophia B. Liu, May 2012.
  • Mobile augmented reality: design issues and opportunities. Workshop at Mobile HCI 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, with Marco de Sá and Katherine Isbister, August 2011
  • Feminism and interaction design. Workshop at ACM CHI 2011, with Shaowen Bardzell, Jeffrey Bardzell, Jodi Forlizzi, Rebecca E. Grinter and Deborah G. Tatar, MAy 2011
  • Designing Innovation. Mixing Methods. One day tutorial at UX Week 2010, San Francisco. Taught with Les Nelson, PARC. August 2010
  • Methods for Theory-Building in the Study of Information Technology Use. One day tutorial at HICSS (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences). Taught with Lori Kendall, Indiana University.  January 2008
  • Tinkering, Tailoring, & Mashing: The Social and Collaborative Practices of the Read-Write Web, CSCW 2008, November 9, 2008 – San Diego, California, USA. Coorganized with Cameron Jones and Michael Twidale.
  • UPSEC Usenix workshop – Usability, Psychology and Security. Co-chair with Rachna Dhamija,
  • Values, value and worth: their relationship to HCI? Workshop at CHI 2008, Florence, Italy, with David J. Gilmore, Gilbert Cockton, Sari Kujala, Austin Henderson and Monty L. Hammontree, April 2008
  • Creativity and Programmable Extensible Web. Yahoo! Creativity Workshop, August 2008.
  • Intimate Computing, UbiComp, Seattle, November, 2003, with Eric Paulos and Genevieve Bell
  • Public Displays, CSCW 2002, November 2002, with Kenton O’Hara,
  • The Future of Wireless Devices and Services, Palo Alto, October 2001, with Nina Wakeford
  • Mobility and the Workplace, ECSCW 2001, Bonn, Germany, September 2001, with Alan Munro
  • CommunityWare, Fuji Xerox, Japan, April 2001
  • Technologies that Cross Boundaries: Designing for Mobile Collaborations, CSCW 2000, Philadelphia, December 2000
  • Collaborative Information Retrieval, CSCW’98, Seattle, November 1998, with Dave Snowdon
  • Embodied Conversational Characters, Lake Tahoe, California, October 12-15, 1998, with Scott Prevost, Joseph Sullivan and Justine Cassell
  • ECSCW’97 Workshop on information seeking in the digital library, Lancaster, September, 1997, with Dave Snowdon
  • Workshop for research students in Artificial Intelligence at The University of Nottingham, January 1992
  • Workshop for research students affiliated to Rank Xerox EuroPARC, 1989

Professional activities: Reviewing

  • Editorial Board: Interacting with Computers (2002-2006); Journal of Network and Computer Applications (2001-2005)
  • Journal/Magazine Guest Editor
    • IEEE Computer, Interaction beyond the Keyboard, with Albrecht Schmidt
    • Interacting with Computers on Feminism and HCI, with Shaowen Bardzell
    • IEEE Internet Computing Special Issue on Useful Computer Security, with Diana Smetters and Les Nelson
    • IEEE Internet Computing Special Issue on Social Networking, with Christine Halverson
    • Human Computer Interaction Special Issue on Talking about Things, Tom Erickson
    • SIGGROUP Bulletin, Designing for Mobile Work, with Alan Munro
    • Virtual Reality. Reality, Developments and Applications Special issue on Collaborative Virtual Environments. 4:1-3, 1999, with Dave Snowdon
    • Virtual Reality. Reality, Developments and Applications Special issue on Collaborative Virtual Environments. 3: 3-15, 1998, with Dave Snowdon
    • AISB Quarterly, Doctoral Research in Artificial Intelligence.
  • Journal Reviewing includes:
    • IEEE Journal of Internet Computing
    • Human Computer Interaction
    • Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work
    • Journal of Computer Mediated Communication
    • Interacting with Computers
    • Virtual Reality: Research, Development and Applications,
    • TOCHI, the ACM’s Transactions on Human Computer Interactions
    • interactions, ACM’s magazine on Human Computer Interaction and Design
    • Encyclopedia of Information Systems
    • Communications of the ACM
  • Regular Conference Reviewer (including reviewing for papers, notes and demos):
    • Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI)
    • Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ACM CSCW)
    • European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW)
    • British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction conference
    • Pervasive Computing
    • Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp)
    • EuroITV
    • Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
    • IFIP Interact
    • DUX (Designing User Experiences)
    • UIST (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology)
  • Student competition judging — Regular reviewer for student design competitions including:
    • IxDA Design Competition
    • Berkeley, School of Information
    • Stanford d-School, Institute of Design