Initial thoughts on a paper/abstract for the EPIC conference:
Who is involved: Gitte, Bob, Elizabeth (perhaps Brinda)
Background motivation:
* discussions between Gitte and Elizabeth on a paper written by Gitte and Brinda
* a concern for how to access (“get at”, observe) and faithfully represent people’s experiences with each other when their connections are mediated
* if we are to look at how, for example, teams work at a distance – how they build trust and interact over time – how will we be able to faithfully represent that, or indeed understand it, if our methods of observation require us to “be there” to see.
Topics we have expressed an interest in addressing:
Cyber-ethnography, querying what that term means, what experiences do we collectively have in ethnography in the “online” world, methods of data collection and analysis, units of analysis, orientation (the place, the person, the group, the artifacts that are produced).
A quick plan of action:
1. meet up and discuss broadly the “space” of ideas (first meetings between Gitte and Elizabeth taken place for general idea; one meeting with Bob, Gitte and Elizabeth on 7th June
2. Write up notes and generate potential content: Action EC to write up notes, ALL: collect ideas and references; ALL: consider our own experiences
3. Generate outline: ALL – hypothetical outlines to be shared.