Abstract again – sampled thoughts
Illusory boundaries in the “cyber-sociality” of virtual teams: ethnographic methods, the offline in the online and cautionary tales of business cyber ethnography. Abstract: If cyberspace is “the total interconnectedness of human beings through computers and telecommunication without regard to physical geography” (Gibson, 1984), then cyber-sociality lies in the details of engaging, maintaining and indeed managing… More »
EPIC 2005 Abstract on sociality #3
Ramblings for an abstract: bits will come from here Illusory boundaries in the “cyber-sociality” of virtual teams: ethnographic methods, the offline in the online and cautionary tales of business cyber ethnography. Abstract: If cyberspace is “the total interconnectedness of human beings through computers and telecommunication without regard to physical geography” (Gibson, 1984), then cyber-sociality lies… More »
Modes of organization in mediated sociality, EPIC 2005 Abstract draft
EPIC Abstract; Submission for Methods/Case Studies Paper (10 pages) Title: Modes of organization in mediated sociality: ethnographic studies of cyber-sociality and the implications for "virtual teams" Ethnography, or rather the ethnographic stance in observation is a “family” of approaches. These are commonly descriptive accounts with different foci (yielding a plethora of prefixes, e.g., cyber ethnography,… More »
References for cybersociality paper
** References we have talked about for this paper specifically Hine, C. 2000. Virtual ethnography. London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage. ** References I have just dug up (some again) Boym, S. 2001. Nostalgia and global culture: from outer space to cyberspace. In The Future of Nostalgia. New York: Basic Books. Eichhorn, K. 2001.… More »