Maps and Moralities, Blanks and Beasties
This was the draft of an article that appeared in the ACM’s interactions magazine in 2008 — ACM Press, Volume 15, Issue 4, 2008. I talked about my experiences of using navigation aids, including maps to help me get around and some of the innovations we developed in-house. More »
Keep your hair on: Designed and emergent interactions for graphical virtual worlds
[This is a draft I wrote for my column, P’s&Q’s in ACMs interactions magazine. For it, I interviewed Bob Moore who was at the time with now defunct Multiverse. It came out in Volume 15 Issue 3, May + June 2008. The final version can be found here.] ______________________________________________________ Chatting with virtual world researchers Jeffrey… More »
Welcome to my home on the web.
A summary of my research activities and interests, both current and in the past. You have landed on my blog ramblings. Please use the navigation tabs (bio, presentations, publications and so on…) to see what I have been up to professionally. __________________________________________________________________________________
Telling Tales from the Field
These notes were written in partial preparation for teaching a class for Steve Portigal to undergraduates in CCS. This is the first draft. Telling Tales From the Field: Ethnography, Design and Why Who You Are Matters The class In this class, I will give a very brief introduction and background to my views on ethnographic… More »