Sugared Puppy-Dog Tails: Gender and Design
This is a draft of an article from interactions (ACM Press, Volume 17, Issue 2 (2010)). In this article, I discuss the ways in which assumptions about ‘users’ are built into products. Specifically, I address the issue of gender, illustrating with examples how assumptions about how men and women “normally” behave drive design decisions. I discuss why taking a critical and reflective approach and unpacking our assumptions may lead to better designs and be of business benefit. More »
Socializing at Cross Purposes
This is a draft of a column I wrote for the ACM’s interactions magazine. It can out in Volume 17 Issue 1, January + February 2010. The word ‘social’ is a tricky one: we all think we understand what it means but conversations around the design, uptake and adaptations of new, “social media” technologies reveal differences in how we think about this everyday word. More »
The golden age of newsprint collides with the gilt age of internet news
In this article, I discuss the current condition of the newspaper industry and discuss how imperative it is for the news industry to engage more deeply with digital, Internet-based information and interaction design. This is an early draft of a column I wrote for ACM’s interactions magazine. It appeared here and the final version is available from here. It appeared in Volume 16 Issue 4, July + August 2009 of the magazine. More »
Open, closed, or ajar? Content access and interactions magazine
This is a draft of a column I co-authored for the ACM’s interactions magazine with Mark Vanderbeeken of Experientia. It appeared in September 2008 — interactions, ACM Press, Volume 15, Issue 5 (2008).
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