Planning: EPIC; cyberethnography

Initial thoughts on a paper/abstract for the EPIC conference: Who is involved: Gitte, Bob, Elizabeth (perhaps Brinda) Background motivation: * discussions between Gitte and Elizabeth on a paper written by Gitte and Brinda * a concern for how to access (“get at”, observe) and faithfully represent people’s experiences with each other when their connections are… More »

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EPIC call: deadline for abstract is June 17th

Call for Participation: Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference (EPIC) 2005 EPIC will be Nov 14-15, 2005 on the Microsoft Campus, Redmond, WA, USA Theme: Sociality: Are we getting enough? Working within or with industry, ethnographers are expected to pay attention to corporate priorities and current trends. One of the predominant themes in new product development… More »

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MUD papers available online by Churchill et al

The MUD papers by Elizabeth et al that were published are these: Culture Vultures: Considering Culture and Communication in Virtual Environments. Elizabeth F. Churchill, and Sara Bly In SIGGroup Bulletin, Volume 21, Number 1, April 2000. ACM Press, pp 6-11., April 1, 2000 It’s all in the words: Supporting work activities with lightweight tools. Elizabeth… More »

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Bruno Schulz

Apropos of nothing, some information on Bruno Schulz and the Street of Crocodiles

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