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A summary of my research activities and interests, both current and in the past. You have landed on my blog ramblings. Please use the navigation tabs (bio, presentations, publications and so on…) to see what I have been up to professionally. __________________________________________________________________________________          

Categories: UncategorizedBookmark

Abstract again – sampled thoughts

Illusory boundaries in the “cyber-sociality” of virtual teams: ethnographic methods, the offline in the online and cautionary tales of business cyber ethnography. Abstract: If cyberspace is “the total interconnectedness of human beings through computers and telecommunication without regard to physical geography” (Gibson, 1984), then cyber-sociality lies in the details of engaging, maintaining and indeed managing… More »

Categories: Drafts, Research tidbits, UncategorizedBookmark

June 7th Meeting Notes

Who: Gitte, Bob, Elizabeth Where: PARC, (old)SPL kitchen When: June 7th 2005, 5.15pm-6pm(ish) Topic: Issues and ideas for the cyberethno paper to be sent to EPIC Purpose: Establish items for a possible paper, establish interest in working together on this, establish possible time frame for activities [Note typoes will abound here, I am typing straight… More »

Categories: UncategorizedBookmark

Planning: EPIC; cyberethnography

Initial thoughts on a paper/abstract for the EPIC conference: Who is involved: Gitte, Bob, Elizabeth (perhaps Brinda) Background motivation: * discussions between Gitte and Elizabeth on a paper written by Gitte and Brinda * a concern for how to access (“get at”, observe) and faithfully represent people’s experiences with each other when their connections are… More »

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