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Brief ruminations on any topic
What’s Cyber about CyberEthnography? Notes on Methods for Research on (cyber)Sociality
What’s Cyber about CyberEthnography? Notes on Methods for Research on (cyber)Sociality Abstract: In considering the term “cyber”, one wonders what the prefix could add to the encompassing, entirely worldy word “ethnography”. Ethnography, after all, means to write culture. So, one wonders first what are the rhetorical reasons for the appearance of such a term, prefixed… More »
Notes from a whiteboard #1, cyber ethnography
Notes from a whiteboard #1, cyber ethnography Originally uploaded by xeeliz. These notes were written during a meeting with Gitte and Bob and are the basis for a paper.
A conversation with T
T: "what keeps coming back to me, is your job, and the way that analyzed/dissected small movements, reactions, and expressions of people to understand how they respond with each other and with in their environment. In some ways your reminded me of a surgeon, cutting through the psyche with words. I guess that is what… More »
Thoughts for T: Work and inspiration
I would say the origins of my work are in ergonomics or human factors – evaluating, observing and designing with a sensitivity to human characteristics and capabilities. While early ergonomics was rooted in consideration of biometrics and physiology, it soon moved to consider motivation (The Hawthorne Effect) and other less “tangible” things. When working in… More »