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Bits and pieces that led to more cogent thoughts

Notes from a whiteboard #1, cyber ethnography

Notes from a whiteboard #1, cyber ethnography Originally uploaded by xeeliz. These notes were written during a meeting with Gitte and Bob and are the basis for a paper.

Categories: ThoughtsBookmark

Bruno Schulz

Apropos of nothing, some information on Bruno Schulz and the Street of Crocodiles

Categories: MagpieBookmark

For Jef: Body and Space references

We were talking about embodied action in space and the following references came to mind that may be of interest aside from de Certeau. I have not thought much about where they all fit together in terms of background theory, moivation or affiliation but that could be a nice project to engage in at some… More »

Categories: MagpieBookmark

For Jef: Deriving a Framework for Meddlings

Culture jamming: [snip from] Culture jamming, or sniggling, is the act of using existing mass media to comment on those very media themselves, using the original medium’s communication method. It is based on the idea that advertising is little more than propaganda for established interests, and that there is little escape from this propaganda… More »

Categories: MagpieBookmark