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Modes of organization in mediated sociality, EPIC 2005 Abstract draft

EPIC Abstract; Submission for Methods/Case Studies Paper (10 pages) Title: Modes of organization in mediated sociality: ethnographic studies of cyber-sociality and the implications for "virtual teams" Ethnography, or rather the ethnographic stance in observation is a “family” of approaches. These are commonly descriptive accounts with different foci (yielding a plethora of prefixes, e.g., cyber ethnography,… More »

Categories: Abstracts, ThoughtsBookmark

References for cybersociality paper

** References we have talked about for this paper specifically Hine, C. 2000. Virtual ethnography. London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage. ** References I have just dug up (some again) Boym, S. 2001. Nostalgia and global culture: from outer space to cyberspace. In The Future of Nostalgia. New York: Basic Books. Eichhorn, K. 2001.… More »

Categories: Readings, Research tidbitsBookmark

Gitte’s snippet from Churchill and Bly

Churchill, Elizabeth F. and Sara Bly 2000 Culture Vultures: Considering Culture and Communication in Virtual Environments. In SIGGroup Bulletin, Volume 21, Number 1, April 2000. ACM Press, pp 6-11. Cannibalized for EPIC by gj 050615: We define culture in the broadest sense, to be a set of understandings that are shared with others. MUDders have… More »

Categories: MagpieBookmark

What’s Cyber about CyberEthnography? Notes on Methods for Research on (cyber)Sociality

What’s Cyber about CyberEthnography? Notes on Methods for Research on (cyber)Sociality Abstract: In considering the term “cyber”, one wonders what the prefix could add to the encompassing, entirely worldy word “ethnography”. Ethnography, after all, means to write culture. So, one wonders first what are the rhetorical reasons for the appearance of such a term, prefixed… More »

Categories: Abstracts, ThoughtsBookmark