You are currently browsing the archives for the Research tidbits category.
Bits and pieces that led to more cogent thoughts
The golden age of newsprint collides with the gilt age of internet news
In this article, I discuss the current condition of the newspaper industry and discuss how imperative it is for the news industry to engage more deeply with digital, Internet-based information and interaction design. This is an early draft of a column I wrote for ACM’s interactions magazine. It appeared here and the final version is available from here. It appeared in Volume 16 Issue 4, July + August 2009 of the magazine. More »
Open, closed, or ajar? Content access and interactions magazine
This is a draft of a column I co-authored for the ACM’s interactions magazine with Mark Vanderbeeken of Experientia. It appeared in September 2008 — interactions, ACM Press, Volume 15, Issue 5 (2008).
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Keep your hair on: Designed and emergent interactions for graphical virtual worlds
[This is a draft I wrote for my column, P’s&Q’s in ACMs interactions magazine. For it, I interviewed Bob Moore who was at the time with now defunct Multiverse. It came out in Volume 15 Issue 3, May + June 2008. The final version can be found here.] ______________________________________________________ Chatting with virtual world researchers Jeffrey… More »
The Diversity of Cyberethnography: Approaches to the Study of Sociality in Virtual Lifescapes
Submission for EPIC 2005: Methods Paper (10 page limit) Title: The Diversity of Cyberethnography: Approaches to the Study of Sociality in Virtual Lifescapes Authors: E.F. Churchill, B. Jordan and R. Moore Abstract: If cyberspace is “the total interconnectedness of human beings through computers and telecommunication without regard to physical geography” (Gibson, 1984), then cybersociality lies… More »