You are currently browsing the archives for the Research tidbits category.
Bits and pieces that led to more cogent thoughts
Missing the point in gesture-based interaction
This is a draft of a column I wrote for the ACM’s interactions magazine. It appeared in 2011. In this article I consider how pointing is used to create shared context, and reflect on emerging gesture-based interactions with technologies. More »
Resources on Experience Design, a selection
Here are some resources/references/publications on Experience Design that were used to develop a Tutorial at CSCW 2011 in China that Elizabeth Goodman, Marco de Sa and I prepared and delivered. More »
Making Time
This is a draft of a column I wrote for the ACM’s interactions magazine. It appeared in 2011. In this article, I consider how we organise our time, and reflect on how calendars are designed and used. More »
Rat, Rational or Seething Cauldron of Desire: Designing the Shopper
This is a draft of a column I wrote for the ACM’s interactions magazine. Publication details: interactions, Volume 18 Issue 1, January + February 2011, ACM New York, NY, USA. In this article, I look at how our shopping experience, both online and offline, is designed.
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