Posts by Elizabeth F. Churchill

Teaching and Learning Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

My article with Jenny Preece and Anne Bowser on teaching and learning Human Computer Interaction came out in interactions magazine. This is a short summary of an ACM SIGCHI funded project that has been ongoing for a couple of years. The full report will be published in late April 2013 and posted to the SIGCHI… More »

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John E. Karlin, industrial psychologist extraordinaire

John E. Karlin died on January 28th, 2013. Most people probably have not heard of him, but he was one the people who laid the groundwork for human-computer interaction as a discipline. HCI emerged from the overlapping fields of industrial and cognitive psychology, human factors, and ergonomics. While much human factors research was conducted with… More »

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A matter of taste

In this draft column for interactions magazine, I ponder food, flavour and taste, and consider fact and fiction, research and ritual around food. More »

Categories: Drafts, Research tidbitsBookmark

Data Aware Design

In this draft of a column I wrote for ACM’s interactions magazine, I propose that we need to treat data as a design problem. We need to not just build better interfaces for exploring data or doing data analysis, we need to think about data capture (system instrumentation), data representation, data integration and data management as part of a bigger data design space. This means thinking about different stakeholders and their needs more systematically. Behind “Big Data” are a lot of little data choices. More »

Categories: Drafts, Research tidbitsBookmark