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These are actual drafts for whatever I am working on

Rat, Rational or Seething Cauldron of Desire: Designing the Shopper

This is a draft of a column I wrote for the ACM’s interactions magazine. Publication details: interactions, Volume 18 Issue 1, January + February 2011, ACM New York, NY, USA. In this article, I look at how our shopping experience, both online and offline, is designed.
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Categories: Drafts, Research tidbits, ThoughtsBookmark

Today’s Flâneur: From HCI to Place-Based Interaction and Human-Place Interaction

In this article, I discuss the emerging technologies of location and reflect on opportunities for design in the future. This was published in interactions, ACM Press, Volume 17, Issue 4 (2010). More »

Categories: Drafts, Research tidbitsBookmark

Enticing engagement

This is a draft of a column I wrote for the ACM’s interactions magazine. It appeared in Volume 17 Issue 3, May + June 2010. In this article I talk about ‘user engagement’ – how it is conceptualised, how it is measured and what we need to do to develop better metrics and measurements for engagement with Internet based sites and services. More »

Categories: Drafts, Research tidbits, ThoughtsBookmark

Sugared Puppy-Dog Tails: Gender and Design

This is a draft of an article from interactions (ACM Press, Volume 17, Issue 2 (2010)). In this article, I discuss the ways in which assumptions about ‘users’ are built into products. Specifically, I address the issue of gender, illustrating with examples how assumptions about how men and women “normally” behave drive design decisions. I discuss why taking a critical and reflective approach and unpacking our assumptions may lead to better designs and be of business benefit. More »

Categories: Drafts, Research tidbitsBookmark